A new ceiling fashion with expanded metal ceiling that reflects the modern hi-tech interior design. The expanded metal ceiling does not only have its visual appeal but it also provides functional practicality of integrating to air-conditioning outlets, smoke detectors, lighting design and signage. The system is simple in design planning for any configurations and is cost effective for large ceiling areas. The proprietary suspension system is developed to provide flexibility in ceiling design and convenience in ceiling installation.
Germany Headquarters
Suckow & Fischer Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Waldstraße 2
D-64584 Biebesheim
Website: www.suckow-fischer.de
Hong Kong
Suckow & Fischer Systeme Asia Pacific Ltd.
Unit 112, 1/F,
131-132 Connaught Road West,
Sai Wan, Hong Kong
Tel: (852)2762 8272